EE2001 Tips 1011. Is the GAs or TAs strong in technical knowledge?
Not all.
2. Where to find sample?
From your seniors,
Microchipc or google.
3. What are the good to have for A grade?
Serial Communication, linking with computer(s), SMS, internet, Webcam, innovative features,RF ID, networking, VisualBasic.
4. How to score better?
Work hard, be ahead of schedule. In CA1, go beyond individual system; link them to
one another sub-system together and a computer. CA2, show full working model including the build house or airport. Final presentation, MARKETING ONLY do not waste your time on explaining circuit.
5. Can I buy electronics kits from the shelf?
Yes, you can. Where? from SimLim Tower. They cost between $10 - $70. Note: GA will ask you questions on bought circuitry; make sure you understand them.
6. What amazing things our seniors done?
Use PIC16F877 to built (or link with) a Line tracing robot, Serial communication, PDA, Wireless, SMS, Hand phone, I2C intercommunication, Webcam, RF ID, Remote IR, Remote RF, SD card, Internet.
7. Are the circuitry used complex?
No, think voltage divider. Most 80% of the circuitry is voltage divider.
8. What resistor to use for IR transmitter and Receiver?
10 ohm and 1M ohm.
9. What is the first thing to program?
Try to get your timers up, because they are very important. Eg. serial, PWM, delays, Ultrasonic sensor, LED dimming, Motor control, RC servos… all uses timers.
10. What is a good interrupt timing to use?
I recommend 10us interrupt, as it is good enough for Servo control and other application. Too short in will overflow into next interrupt cycle; too long it will be useless.
11. Should we use the motor driver from the store?
If you need bi-directional drive then use it,else just use a ULN2003 buffer inverter.
12. Why PIC burn?
PIC16F877 don’t source current well, so sink them. Sourcing a LED is ok, try putting in a motor and it won’t work. For higher current application use a motor driver or ICs to protect your PICs.
13. Should I design more hardware or software?
Try to use minimum circuitry. Hardware = hard to reconfigure especially when you start de-soldering. Software = easier to change , just a flash away.
14. Why ICSP?
So you can program the chip even if it is still inside the circuitry. Don’t have to puck in and out the programmer board.
15. How to ICSP?
Using the programmer and io board given:
Programmer Pin1 -> Target PIC Pin1 (MCLR) may need a diode
Programmer Pin12 -> Target PIC Pin12 (GND)
Programmer Pin11 -> Target PIC Pin11 (VCC) may not be need if you supply power to io board
Programmer Pin39 -> Target PIC Pin39 (PGC)
Programmer Pin40 -> Target PIC Pin40 (PGD)
16. Stupid things pass students done?
-There is one student attempting to fine a perfect 1k ohm resistor, for a LED circuit. He measure almost all the resistors from the storage, then he tried parallel 2x 2K ohm resistor. (Don’t be surprised if it is your teammate)
-Trying to write programs from scratch.(eg. LCD) Yes, it is a good learning experience but be practical. All the source are available easily online use them and understand them. Don’t waste your time.
17. Does the GA check our programming source code in CAs?
No, 99% of the time they don’t check. Because not it takes time you understand code, especially when it is written by students. (because not many can comment their codes well)
18. Doing fail safe programming or hardware circuit?
Yes because it is a good practices. No because your project only need to work on 3 presentation. (Who cares if it can works after that.)
19. How the GA give marks?
-Working model + additional feature = marks++
-Many sub-system = marks++
-Innovative idea = marks++(things they have not since before)
-Complex Circuitry and Over programming = same marks (so don’t overdo a system)
20. Can you spend more than the allocated funds?
Yes, if it is from your pocket. My group spent about S$400 in addition.
21. How can we achieve maximum efficient/output?
Share your knowledge, specializing, and be task oriented. Remember time = marks.
22. How many hours I spent on the modules (for special term)?
On the average 12 hours a day, for 6 week. (crazy me :D)
23. Should we build or buy the house/airport?
My advice is to buy, because it there is no additional marks if you build one.
24. Can I wholesale codes from senior?
Strictly speaking NO, unless you understand them.
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